New Year

Well it’s 2023, and I’m feeling pretty blue.

I miss my family so very much and regret my decision to live abroad, this is a feeling I’ve had more and more.

Our flat mate is moving out, and away. He’s been like a brother and I know I’m going to miss him terribly.

So, yeah, I’ve been sat here feeling gloomy and being real tearful.

I’m trying to focus on positives, being able to afford visiting my family more often, having more space at home, my new found drive to exercise and lose weight and to study the local language again.

I’m terrified of getting old and being stuck alone in a foreign country.

My partner cannot easily live in my home country and has similar fears, but generally feels more positive and content with our current situation.

Well, I have my moments and then I feel grateful for the life I have. It’s very much a rollercoaster of emotions.

I hope you’re all having a better start to the new year. Wishing you all the best.

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